Bixby Canyon


Path leading from Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s cabin in Bixby Canyon (Raton Canyon in Kerouac’s novel Big Sur) to the Pacific Ocean.

I am unaware of the exact location of the cabin in the canyon – but there is only one path leading out to the sea.

6 Responses to “Bixby Canyon”
  1. Adam says:

    I love this. Is a high res version of this available on Flickr?

  2. Michael Steven Martin says:

    I was able to find the cabin (well, the gate leading to it) after following Kerouac’s description in the book. He describes how to get there, so on a whim I played along, and soon I was there.

    • Jay Haeske says:

      That is excellent! I didn’t really know where to look and it all looked so private so I thought I probably wouldn’t have got there, but you proved me wrong. Good for you!

      • If you should ever return, look for mailbox at the north end of the bridge, where cars pull out. Take that road back into the canyon. It only goes one way. At the bottom you’ll cross over a tiny bridge just a few feet above the stream. From there the road turns to the left, but straight ahead you’ll see a gate leading to the property with the cabin. It’s a fantastic feeling seeing everything he’s talking about as you make your way there. I’ve gone as far as the gate (twice), but always respect the sanctuary beyond. Let me know if you ever go!

      • Jay Haeske says:

        Thanks a lot for the info! I sure hope to make it back.

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