Jack Kerouac : The Town And The City

Jack Kerouac :  The Town And The City (1950 Harcourt Brace) I don’t really see this post as a book review as such – a lot has been written about Kerouac’s work by people who can do this much better than I ever could, so I just want to share a few thoughts about The … Continue reading

Anywhere Road review on Empty Mirror Books

The first review of my book ‘Anywhere Road’ – check it out here: http://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/beat/kerouac-2/anywhere-road-retracing-jack-kerouac.html

‘Anywhere Road’ available for purchase

Finally, at (very) long last my book ‘Anywhere Road’ is available for ordering at Blurb.com. Those of you that have been following my blog for a while will remember that I wrote about wanting to finish the book at certain points quite a few times before, but due to various personal and work-related circumstances it … Continue reading

Update 01.07.13: ‘Anywhere Road’ is finished.

Just a little update today to let you know that I (at long last!) finished my book ‘Anywhere Road – Retracing Jack Kerouac’ earlier today. Finally. I am currently in the process of uploading it to the Blurb website and will order a copy each of both the Soft- and Hardcover versions. Once I received … Continue reading

Lowell To Boston Train Journey

These shots were all taken on a journey from Jack Kerouac’s hometown Lowell to Boston and at and around Boston’s South Station. The train from Lowell to Boston actually stops at Boston’s North Station, but to travel onwards to New York, as I did, you have to transfer to South Station, but I am not … Continue reading

Central Street Station, Lowell

The former Central Street Station on Central and Green Streets which was the train station in Kerouac’s times, the present day train station is located in another part of the city nowadays

Lowell City Hall

… ‘what’s that immemorious word you told me on the Square, not on the Square, right in front of City Hall, the other night,… (‘Maggie Cassidy’ p. 10 Penguin Classics edition)

Lowell Canals and Mills

…, past the canals, the mills, the eternity millstacks rising high in the all-open-blue-sky,… (‘Maggie Cassidy’)


One of Kerouac’s  former drinking dens in his later Lowell years (1964-1968), at that time it was called Nick’s and was run by his brother-in-law. Gorham Street, Back Central, Lowell,MA

Lowell High School

Jack Kerouac attended Lowell High School in the late 1930’s – the clock in the last photo was a gift from his graduating class, so it wasn’t there when he went to Lowell High, but it’s nevertheless mentioned in some of his Lowell-set books.